Sunday, February 14, 2010


There is no remedy for love but to love more

Love is, above all else, the gift of oneself

To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven

On cloud 9??

Wait a moment... That’s not the end..
To start with, I strongly believe that the definitions of all the crucial words love, truth, god, selfishness in our
life changes from individual to individual. So, I am definitely not trying to define the word love. Am just
questioning some of the statements that came my way since some time… 

The frequently used definition about love is “It’s a feeling that no one can frame some words into sentences”.
If you are not able to define it you don’t have any right to talk about it, as you yourself don’t know anything
about it. If you know what it is, come on define it?

The next one is, “If you are in love with someone, you should accept him/her as he/she is”. What if a person
X is burning Y’s hands or any other body parts with cigarette? Since Y is feeling that he/she is in love with X,
he/she has to accept X as he/she is?? That’s damn fucking

“Love at first sight”... Ha ha ha ha... what a joke... if you feel love after seeing him/her in the first look. You
are in love with that person just because he/she looks like that.. So, if that person met with an accident and
lost his/her body parts before your first look... will you still get the same feeling as you are feeling now??
Don’t lie to yourself by saying yes.

Suppose, if there are two colleagues or classmates or neighbors who spent some years together and they like
each others interests and so they feel that as love. In this case, since they like his/her partners way of living and
their view points regarding life and they can’t accept other if he/she is not what they are now. Then, how can
we call it as love... its just business...

About opposite gender love in youth, if you have a best friend in opposite gender of your age and you are in
love with some other person. What is the difference between your best friend and lover? Is that not lust?? If not,
why the hell you think almost every second in the day about him/her? You ever spend that much time in a day
thinking of the best friend or even your parents or your siblings?? First of all, what do you think about her/him all
the day? Roaming around parks, beach or theatre? Why do you want to spend all the time lonely with your
partner? Why do you identify your pair when there is some chemistry going on between hero and heroine in a
movie? Why do you want to take her/his hand into yours and walk? Don’t you feel any difference in the hug you
give to your friend and your partner? Don’t say that it is romance. Romance does not stimulate your hormones,
Lust does…

I’m not saying that there is no care, no responsibility and so on between them. My question is why do you do
all the above only with your partner and not with your friend?? Another example is if two persons are friends
for some time without any feelings and then one/both feel that he/she loves the other… I’m sure that the
difference between before and after getting that feeling is lust. Also, he/she will get that dare or gut to express
his/her love with the other only if the person is able to accept the other physically. If they never get this physical
attraction into mind, they will remain as friends forever..

Its already too lengthy... I can’t afford to eat your brain anymore…
Thus, what I am trying to say is what people think as love has some other meaning or definition...
Review whatever I said and let me know if you have any words to say..

So, I’m concluding this post by wishing all the valentines...

“Wish you all a very happy lustful day”


  1. I was unable to understand your intention in writing this article. probably i have missed your point. I feel that u wanted to say the feeling ppl think love is not love but lust. Please end the post with a conclusion derived of your discussion so that we grab the essence of it.

  2. thanks for reminding that ra.. I was feeling very hungry at tht moment, so finished it ubruptly.. anyhow i will edit the post..

  3. Nice posting there ra.But you have not concluded what is love? You just call it as lust and nothing else. This is my view in love. and yeah love between a gal and boy.. Im nt speakin mothers love or whatsoever.... These days after watching so many ppl mingling, tingling and dangling around and breaking up in no time, I have noticed something: "Love happens for a reason". The Guy is rich, The gal is Beautiful and earns me a position in society etc. etc." I knw people wont agree but this is true. Girls Go by the position of the guy. and Guys go by the virtues of the gal. DOes that mean there exists no love between guys and gals.. I must say no. Because when you are probably 13-14.. these days 11,12 years for that matter. You wont have any expectations frm the other person.. Is it lust completely? Again a NO Goes there... Coz just not a touch or a word of caress tingles your heart then.Hence Proved. Then what the hell is it? Chemical Reaction.. Surge of Adrenaline and some fuckin hormones.... Yet another NO. If it is, It should continue to happen through out life. Do you have the feeling when you turn 70?... So, What I conclude is that the feeling( read as LOVE) that you get at the age of 13-14 is the only purest form of love that one can observe. Still, Its not necessary that everyone should expereince. Coz.. People have their own perspectives.


  4. since i do not feel that such thing called love exists, i have posted all my interpretations we are using to define that word.. i'm not saying that it is completely lust.. but it is driven by lust..and i accept all the points raised by you.. but i can't conclude that the 11-12 yrs feeling as love.. as the same level of intensity of that attraction can not be maintained through out their life..
